Saturday, December 28, 2013

End Table Makeover

Moving out on our own has been a bit of a challenge financially. With me not really working and Jason in the process of being laid off for the winter we were on a VERY TIGHT budget. With this tight budget I decided to put my pinterest ideas to work and I chose to take what we could get....because lets face it FREE is BEST and beggers can't be choosers...and I decided to try my hand at repurposing old furniture.

Jason's aunt gave us two really old end tables that had seen better days and used my handy work to give them round two at life. 

Here is my step by step instructions and what you will need!

Supplies Used:
your old piece of furniture
Kilz spray primer (approx: 3)
Krylon spray paint (approx 2-3)
~color used khaki gloss~
Behr faux glaze (1 qt can be used for many projects)
Sample of black paint to mix in with your faux glaze
New handles

Step One: Prime entire piece of furniture with kilz primer. We used about two coats just to make sure we covered everything. 

Afterwards let completely dry

Step Two: Use your Krylon spray paint and cover thoroughly we did 2-3 coats. Make sure you let dry in between each coat. 

Step Three: Mix your faux glaze with your sample of black paint into a bowl. Paint on with a brush making sure to get into cracks, this will give the cool effect your looking for. Afterwards wipe off with a damp cloth. By doing so it will leave the faux glaze in the crevices only. 

Let completely dry when finished. 

Here is what our piece looked like afterwards. We added new handles since the ones that came with were junk. We also ended up spraying the tiles on top white. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Christmas Recap

Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday's to everyone! I know I have been MIA lately but we finally have the internet up and working over here at our new home. 

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and were able to spend it with their loved ones. 

Here's a little recap of our FIRST CHRISTMAS

Santa came to see Bailey 

Bailey opening her presents

It's safe to say that Bailey had a great Christmas, and we had a great first Christmas together as a family. Santa brought Bailey lots of toys some of her favorites including; her doctor kit, Dora legos, play fort tunnel, and a play kitchen with lots of food. Christmas is so much more fun through a child's eyes.

Now that all the madness is over its time to pick up all the pieces and go back to a normal routine. Jason has already returned back to work with the tons of snow we have received all month and I go back to the routine of my new job as well as enjoying my last two weeks off before classes start back up. So I am off to bed to get some rest. Sweet dreams all!!

P.S. I have a BIG Christmas announcement.....COMING SOON!!!! :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

The inconvenience of moving

Have I happened to mention at all how much I HATE HATE HATE moving!? Well I do! Sorry I have not been able to post much lately we still don't have internet, but that will be changing by Thursday! So for now all I have is my phone and it's very hard to blog off of that if you haven't ever tried.  

Our weekend consisted of very little and somewhat boring.

Friday: Dinner. Frankenmuth. Bronners. Family time.

Saturday: Attempted finding a Christmas tree with my family. Jason plowed. Sick baby. PJs all day. 

Sunday: More of Jason plowing. Picked up our couch. Dinner with my parents. 

To sum it all up Jason was out plowing ALOT this weekend since it was continuously snowing- complaining but not at the same time winter and I have a love hate relationship he's gone a lot especially at night or a moments notice but the more it snows the more money brought home. 
While Jason was busy playing in the snow I was home helping take care of Bailey who was sick and still is. I attempted taking her to the tree farm with my family but that didn't go over so well so instead we headed home to put on our fuzzy pjs and watch cartoons and eat soup all day. 

Hopefully I didn't just bore all of you! I hope to be back in action no later than Friday! So see ya then!

P.S. Started my big girl job today! Way to go me

Thursday, December 12, 2013

We've Moved!!

Hi all! Sorry it's been so long since I have posted last time has been flying by and we have been super busy over here. Since Thanksgiving we have: moved into our new apartment ( I HATE moving), started getting ready for Christmas, and I finished my classes for the semester. 

This has been my life that past few weeks since right before Thanksgiving. I have been consumed by the four classes that I was taking from doing homework, to writing papers, to finishing projects, and studying for exams. And it feels so great to know I get to say I am DONE! Im sure it will feel even much greater to say I am done completely but were not quite there yet. I am excited to say that I have the next month off and I will be using it to relax and collect myself before I start another long semester.

We received the keys to our new apartment right before Thanksgiving but with the holidays we decided to wait until after to move in. We moved last weekend and now that we are almost settled in we love our new place. Its so much more like home with the four of us in our own space...Jason, Bailey, Bentley, & me. For those of you who don't know before this Jason and I were living at his parents with Bailey when it was his days therefore she always wanted to be with her grandparents and my dog, Bentley, was living at my parents house. I have been creating different home projects for our new place and I will be posting them on here soon!

I also received some great news today, I am now an employee with Morley and I could not be happier!! This is great for especially right before Christmas and I'm happy to say it's my first big girl job but the greatest part is that it will work with me going to school as well.

Happy Thursday everyone!!!